Those sunken, angular cheekbones. That crazy-as-balls hairline.
Rodin sculpted The Joker.
You doubt me? Check the larger version.

It's complete with Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez-esque little bolo/cape-tie tassles and everything!
That's right, Rodin sculpted The Joker.
These busts were erroneously labeled as being a 19th century French-Canadian priest and canonized saint, but seeing as The Joker once held diplomatic immunity as representative of a middle-eastern country, (in the 80's) I don't find this all that hard to reconcile. He's The Joker.

And don't you forget it.
That was indeed an awesome find!
Holy moley, it's him!! I knew there was a time machine somewhere. Now we'll have to ask Jerry Robinson if he was a Rodin fan.
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